How To Create Facebook Phishing Android Application (No Coding Needed) by PicaTesHackZ · Published January 18, 2015 · Updated September 3, 2016 image: In this tutorial i’m going to explain how to make an android application with facebook phishing method, so you can get the username and password of each person who login to facebook using this app. Note: This post is updated with new undetectable phishing files This app is actually looks like real facebook app with real facebook icon so victim can’t find out whether it’s a fake facebook application or not. Sending fake page’s url to victim is not possible now a days ,that method is easily detectable in firefox and google chrome browsers that’s why i’m tested this new method to phishing facebook and it works good. Read my previ...
hello sobat!!! nih. gue ada trikk . liat aja di bawah. TRIK Update Status Warna Warni : Gunakan kode ini : Biru Biasa : @@#[1:[0:1:STATUS KAMU]] Coklat : <#fg=b0b00000> STATUS KAMU atau <#fg=ffb00f00> STATUS KAMU Coklat muda : <#fg=bfbf8123> STATUS KAMU Merah : <#fg=b0ff0000> STATUS KAMU atau <#fg=ffff0000> STATUS KAMU atau <#fg=f0ff0000> STATUS KAMU Krem : <#fg=b0ffb000> STATUS KAMU atau <#fg=f0f0b000> STATUS KAMU Kuning muda : <#fg=fbfbfb00> STATUS KAMU, atau <#fg=b0f0f000> STATUS KAMU Biru muda : <#fg=b00fffb0> STATUS KAMU Biru tua : <#fg=b000b0f0> STATUS KAMU Hijau : <#fg=bf00f000> STATUS KAMU atau <#fg=f000ff00> STATUS KAMU Ungu muda : <#fg=0fb00ff0> STATUS KAMU atau <#fg=f0b000f0> STATUS KAMU Ungu Tua : <#fg=b88f0bf9> STATUS KAMU Orange : <#fg=fbfb8123> STATUS KAMU Orange tua : <#fg=b0ff4112> STATUS KAMU Putih : <#fg=ff...